Love Yourself

How to love yourself despite what you are going through in your life, because loving yourself is a way of appreciation and gratitude to God himself. And with such attitude comes many positive things ahead in life.

Bullet Points

·        Why should you love yourself?

·        How to start loving yourself.

·        How to continue the act of loving yourself.

You are perfect just the way you are

Why should you love yourself ?

Loving yourself should be something that is made your top priority especially as we have entered this year (2021). There should be so many reasons why you should love yourself and why you should embrace it.

But before I continue, I want to let you know that loving yourself should not make you have any sense of pride rather it should bring forth a sense of confidence within you. It should be something that keeps you going on a daily bases.

Anytime I look at myself in the mirror I would smile and do some funny faces and laugh and then walk away with joy, why do I do that? I do it because I know that by looking at myself and loving myself I can apply that joy to wherever I go and whoever I meet.

Am I the most beautiful girl? No. Am I the smartest? No. Do I have flaws? Yes, yes I do have lots of flaws. But that’s what makes us human. We weren’t made by mistake, God has his reasons when he was making us. We have a purpose on this earth, everything does. So you denying yourself is like denying your purpose on this earth.


By loving yourself:

·         You are creating an inner peace within you

·         You are likely to spread that love to those around you

·         You will have that self-confidence within regardless of circumstances

·         Everything you ever desire will be smoother for you to find

·         People will see that you embrace yourself and will be more attracted to you

·         When you love yourself you are likely to turn off those negative voices that are around you and also those that are in your head.

·         Also you are likely to make and meet people who are going to be of value to your life.

DO YOU KNOW that people miss great life changing opportunities all because they feel that they are not good enough for it. That’s sad!!

It's not good for your health

You might say: what if your flaw(s) is based on how you look?

Ok, let’s say you have a bump on the forehead or neck and you don’t go out because of it. One advice I will give is “do something about it”. Try doing something out of your comfort zone. Step out and ask questions. You can't expect it to go just by lying on the bed or hiding at home. Go an extra mile for once and see where that takes you. Just be wise. It won’t kill if you ask for help. 

If you are broke, that’s not an excuse for God’s sake. There’s still something to do, there has always been. Just go, GET OUT OF THAT POSITION AND DO SOMETHING. THINK, THINK, THINK and keep THINKING (please don’t think to the point you reach your breaking point), you can ask for advice. 

Prayer too is something you can do. That’s what I do. Praying is kinda an act that I can never seem to neglect.  Why prayer? Because I believe EARTH HAS NO SORROW THAT HEAVEN CANNOT HEAL.


Be grateful for who you are. Look for what you have that is so precious and adore yourself on that. Is it a talent, skill, hobby, even your face, whatever it is, be glad that you have it. Look at the mirror or anything that will reflect your image and be thankful.

I normally look at myself and say some things to myself, I don’t necessary need to say it out loud I can simply look and say it in my head. Utter words of hope to yourself, words like; I’m beautiful/handsome in every single way, I will be great, I will get that degree, I’m going to dress so well that everyone who sees me will marvel……. Work towards it. As you utter those words you are causing something to take place unknowingly.

See it

Feel it

Be it

Speak it

And it will be yours.

If you can see yourself being that person or in that position and you can feel it, every moment of it, then you can be it. Now speak it and it will be yours!.  

This I have done and this I have received. I testify. [Note: feeling it is a sign of believe, you believe that it is meant for you].

Great is He who is in you than he who is in the world
Feel it happening

How to continue the act of loving yourself.

Be positive. Be optimistic in everything you do. You may be in a place that you love but the energy there is negative. Simply look at the positive side. There is always a positive side in life, some people just don’t seem to see it. But if you love yourself so much that you are determined not to damage that love then you will always try to look for the positive side of things. And trust me when you find it the rest will come easily to you.

Extend the love to others. This could be another motivation in the long run. When you love yourself, earlier said, you tend to love others around you, and by extending the love, people tend to return back either in a grand style or in their little way. A time might come when you need someone to show some love to you. Remember whatever you sow you shall reap.

Be hopeful. No one or thing can take your hope except you. Having a sense of hope that all will be well is a proof of believe, I believe that I can improve, I am hopeful that someday I’m going to be a successful person …… it will carry you a long way so don’t lose it.

Be confident. If you carry yourself with pride people will tend to see that you are ok with who you are and they will spend the amount of time they use in criticizing you to admire you (on how gracefully you were able to upgrade yourself). It takes time so enjoy every process and don’t try to use any short cuts because if you do it will only be temporary (and no one likes temporary satisfaction).

Smile. Yeah! Always put a smile on your face, why because when you do, you tend to not only attract people but heal your inner yourself. And I know some people (stereotyped) who see those that smile/laugh a lot as vulnerable people. Please don’t let that discourage you instead let it boost you up the more. But please when such people come around you don’t be ignorant instead prove them wrong and be nice.

As you love yourself, extend that love to others.

Thanks for reading I hope this blog helped you in one way or the other please do leave a comment and share this blog as it may help someone out there. Thanks again.


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